I've learned alot this year. Some things in here are much more serious than others. Some things I hope make you laugh, or smile at least. And I plan to type this on different days. Not all at once. Because some days I feel good, and others, not so much. (Today, as I start this off is a "not so much" sort of day.) I hope to express various emotions and takes on what I have learned throughout this. So.
I have learned, in no particular order:
You can't always get what you want.Kind of like that song. But not really. You usually won't get what you want.
I want things that are not available to me.
I want things that I ca
n't afford.
I want things that do not want me to want them.
I want things that I do not know what they are and therefore will not be able to obtain them for obvious reasons.
I want. I want. I want.
"But if you try sometimes. You just might find, you get what you need."???
Hardly.. I want.
People will always treat you better if you are pretty. Sorry. The more symmetrical your face is, the better chance you have at landing that job, or whatever. Because trust me. I've been
somewhere on both ends of the spectrum. *That sounds far more vain than I want it to. But I just can't seem to word it correctly.* As I look through old pictures of myself, I can't help but wonder how I put up with 8ish years of emotional degeneration caused by both myself and others. I'm still getting used to not being called "pizza face" or something of the sort. And I'm still getting used to taking in compliments from strangers and not wondering if those compliments are sarcastic attempts to make people laugh, at my expense.
Some scars will never fade.Above.
Fortune cookies will threaten you.Yeah. Today I got one that said; "You laugh now, but wait until you get home." I was so paranoid to go home all day. You don't even know.
You will never be completely happy with everything in life all at once.
Not me, not anyway. I get bored way too fast.
With friends.With relationships.With places.With jobs.With tangibles.With thoughts.With life.
I had a wonderful relationship with a wonderful boy. He bores me to pieces at times, but he is just the best really. Even if I did want to go back, I couldn't. I've said and done to many hurtful things to ever be content because I know he deserves someone just like him. Someone wonderful and caring and sweet. I am not those things to him. I mean, I care. I would be horrible and cold not to. But I certainly did not show it like I should have. Should. I'll never forgive myself in that sense.
ADD is not always a bad thing.It gets me through even the most boring of times. I daydream always. If you do not already have it, try your very best to develop it.
Hey! Pasta for dinner!
...I digress.
My dog is my very best friend.Well. I've known that for a while now. She's never judged, not through any of my awkward or horrible phases. She never tried to peer pressure me into drugs that I didn't want to do or anything of the like. She never
left me, like so many have. She's just the best little cuddler. And when I thought something was wrong, I felt pretty dead inside. Because, as one sweet old man at the restaurant told me honestly, with her goes my childhood. We will leave it at that.
Use perverts to your advantage.Especially when you are a waitress. They usually tip pretty good. Who needs pride, you know?
When you know how something works, sometimes you just don't want it anymore.Today I met a man who makes just the most delicious icecream. He sees it all the way from the beginning stages. I asked him if he got to eat as much as he wanted. He said yes, but he hasn't eaten ice cream in years. He is sick of it.
Today I also had the opportunity to shadow a veterinarian. She sees lots of horrible things. She sees how dogs, cats, and other animals work. If I was a veterinarian, I wouldn't want a pet.
Don't let things get you too high or too low.Although awkward sounding, this statement that was presented to me years ago has stuck in my head ever since.. I often think about it, because I do tend to over analyze
everything.. How I interpret this is..try to stay pretty level-headed. Emotional roller coasters can only lead to turmoil. Ups and downs whether physical or emotional can leave us drained or sick.
Enjoy your time spent. Make the best of how you spend it.
Don't assume that everyone loves you. Don't assume that everyone hates you.
Maybe it's best to just best to assume that you are generally acknowledged in a neutral way. Maybe it's best to acknowledge others in a neutral way.
That being said, sometimes you have got to roll the dice. Sometimes you have got to find out if your coexistence with one another is positive or negative. At which point, it's tough to keep that level head.
Practice Random Acts of Kindness.
Anything, really. It doesn't have to involve money or charities. Just little things..rake your neighbor's leaves while they are on vacation, hold open doors for anyone that is near, treat everyone with love and respect.
And to those of you who recieve,
Pay it Forward. Like that movie with Kevin Spacey and cute little Haley Joel Osment. It made me cry.
And so here is to a brand new year with the things that I have learned throughout the old.